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Mercator Network Newsletter

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Latest newsletters

Here you will find an overview of the latest newsletters of the Mercator Network.

Since June 2007 (newsletter #31), the Mercator European Research Centre in Leeuwarden (NL) has been providing the newsletters of this European network. The newsletters on this website go back to 2015 (#109). 



With news about, among other things, the Minority Safepack Initiative and the mistrust between FUEN and the European Commission, a Postdoc vacancy at Mercator Research Center, the World Day of Romani Language, trilingual signage in Moldova, worries about the aging of Breton speakers, the ELEN and the SOAS/CIDLeS/ZAS/Mercator conference and much more...

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With news about, among other things, the Low Saxon language being recognized as 'essential' in a Dutch covenant, the Frisian language under pressure in municipal reclassifications, concerns about minorities and minority languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia and Finland, the 20th anniversary for Mercator Network partner CUSC-UB, and much more...

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With news about, among other things, a new report on minority, national, foreign and migrant languages in European society (MIME Vademecum), the ICML XVII, two new Erasmus+ projects, the Minority SafePack, a Wiki on minority languages, the COMBI project, Teach-D, linguistic rebellion in bilingual children's primary years, and much more...

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With news about, among other things, 20 years of European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, bilingual children and autism, crowdfunding for Cornish TV, official status for Sardinian, the endangered Yukaghir languages and Disney's The Incredibles 2 in Catalan, and much more...

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With news about, among other things, multilingual language learning, the COMBI project Modules, sociolinguistic research in Catalan language, language equality in the digital age, ambassadors from the endangered Grèko community in Friesland and much more...

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With news about, among other things, a new publication about minorities in Sweden, Mirjam Günther-Van der Meij obtained her PhD, an online suvey from the ECML, a student smart phone challenge in young jargon in Barcelona, Montserrat Sendra has been granted by Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), and much more...

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A special newsflash about the 17th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XVII), that takes place in Leeuwarden (Ljouwert), the capital of Fryslân, the Netherlands. The conference is from 22 to 25 May 2019 and is organized by the Mercator Research Centre.

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With news about, among other things, the BIG cities, small LANGUAGES congress, the COMBI-project, a Massive Open Online Course on Frisian Language, the launch of the North-East Scots Language Board, the children's protest for the survival of the Diwan schools in Brittany, and more...

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With news about, among other things, International Mother Language Day, the COMBI-project at the Intergroup in Strasbourg, and the Minority Safepack Initiative to strengthen the position of minorities in the European Union.

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With news about, among other things, the launch of Leeuwarden-Fryslân, European Capital of Culture 2018, findings by CUSC-UB researcher Avel·lí Flors-Mas on the role of school in the preservation of minority languages, and the publication of Mercator's 50th Regional Dossier.

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