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With news about, among other things, the public hearings on the Minority SafePack initiative, the recognition of Dutch Sign Language as official language besides Dutch and Frisian, the declining amount of people that can speak Occitan, a thesis on language awareness in foreign language education, the first radio station in the Venetian language, and much more!

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Learn about the various tools and resources that VirtuLApp develops which include an AR-Game to stimulate the use of pupils’ (home) languages!

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This project aims to empower teachers of all subjects to integrate GCE goals (Global Citizenship Education) with a plurilingual approach into their regular teaching.

Duration: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2023

Funding: Erasmus+

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With news about, among other things, European concerns about the Cornish and Irish languages, new reports and evaluations about the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML), a Scots language recognition campaign, a day of mobilisation in France to defend education in regional languages, a joint statement on the European Day of Languages, and much more!

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2-3 Sept. 2020. Mercator researcher Tjeerd de Graaf presents: 'Historical data on the languages in Witsen's Noord en oost Tartarye'.

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With news about, among other things, a protection plan for languages on the island of Sardinia that is approved by the regional council, Europe demands more Frisian teaching hours in the Dutch province of Fryslân, a new campaign to raise awareness about the use of Valencian, the new Minority network Schleswig-Holstein and Southern Denmark, the 2020 Gorsedd honours Welsh professor Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, Scotland's Gaelic community that could 'die out in 10 years', the discrimination of Finnish-speaking children in Sweden, a call for more Irish-speaking teachers, the adoptation of an amendment on Hungarian Sign Language, human rights violations in Spain, ideas for multilingual classrooms and much more!

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This Regional Dossier is the Italian translation of the dossier 'The Italian language in education in Switzerland', originally compiled in early 2020 by Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Todisco and his team of the research department of Didactics of Integrated Multilingualism at the University of Teacher Education of Grisons in Switzerland. Todisco and his research team made this translation in 2020.

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With news about, among other things, the results of a survey on the demand for Catalan on digital platforms, a plea to the French government to support the teaching of regional languages, online seminars by the Centre de Recerca en Sociolingüística i Comunicació, interesting books and articles, the Occitan festival Premio Ostana and much more!

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ENROPE’s second Intensive Study Week is held in Paris, at the University Sorbonne Nouvelle.

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