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Mercator Network Nijsbrief

Wolle jo alle moannen op 'e hichte bliuwe fan de aktiviteiten fan de kennisynstituten fan it Mercator Network en tagelyk it lêste nijs ûntfange oer edukaasje en beliedsferoaringen oangeande minderheidstalen yn Europa? Meld jo hjirûnder dan fergees oan.

Oanmelde foar de Fryske Akademy Nijsbrief kin hjir ek.


Lêste nijsbrieven

Hjir fine jo in oersjoch fan de lêste nijsbrieven fan it Mercator Network.

Sûnt juny 2007 (nijsbrief #31) fersoarget it Mercator Europeesk Kennissintrum foar Meartaligens yn Ljouwert de nijsbrieven fan dit Europeeske netwurk. De nijsbrieven op dizze side gean werom oant 2015 (#109).   



With news about, among other things, a Historic agreement on Alghero Catalan, a new research department at the Sorbian Institute, a research that shows that language is the 4th reason for discrimination in Barcelona, the IndyLan app to save minority European languages is out funding, a questionnaire on the Gaelic and Scots and Scottish Languages Bill, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, official UN communication to France over discrimination against territorial languages, CoE condemns aggression Russian Federation, a FUEN platform around minority language teaching, Northern Catalonia agrees with the French state that all students can learn Catalan, a 'Language Plan' in Wallonia to increase employment rate, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, rallies in Ireland and Spain for language rights, the Europeada - European Football Championship of the autochthonous national minorities, a new report on the street use of languages in the Basque Country, new courses on Sater Frisian, a book on research methods in language attitudes, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the recognising of the Papiamento language on Bonaire as a regional language, the simultaneous translation from Breton into French, a statement of the Committee of Experts on the promotion of RML through artificial intelligence (AI), a regional dossier on 'The Croatian language in education in Austria', an open letter to demand an Irish language act, a new publication on honorifics in smaller languages, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the delay of the Irish language legislation, the signing of the local charter for the Basque language in France, the passing of Catalan sociolinguist Strubell, the new WikiWomen project, the study on Catalan language use in schools by CUSC-UB, Calls for Papers, the Hamburg University and UG/Campus Fryslân Summer Schools, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the ideas from NPLD , FUEN and ELEN for the future of European national and linguistic minorities, new ECRML evaluation reports Norway and Poland, a call for quota for minority languages in a new Spanish audiovisual law, a new CUSC-UB report to promote the knowledge and use of Catalan, papers on attitudes towards childhood multilingualism and on bilingual language development, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the European Court of Justice backs the Minority SafePack Initiative, the León council agrees the use of Leonese, research grant for Mercator and partners for a new Endangered Languages project, funding needed for a library specialised in Siberian and Circumpolar Languages, a paper on Attitudes and beliefs

towards Andalusian, Calls for Papers, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, Irish as an official language of the European Union, new ECRML reports on Cyprus and Poland, a NPLD statement Catalan education immersion model, 1,500 languages at high risk of being lost this century, the book 'Pedagogical Translanguaging' for free, Calls for Papers, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the ELEN statement regarding the Spanish Supreme Court ruling against Catalan-medium education, Norway protects Lule Sami and South Sami, Mercator project VirtuLApp honoured with several awards, Welsh model for (Māori) language revitalisation, minority report presented in Schleswig-Holstein, and much more!

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With news about, among other things, the COMEX meeting, the 25th anniversary of the ECMI, a project on protecting national minorities in Ukraine, the Mercator Multilingualism Lecture, Portugal signs the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, and much more!

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