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Mercator Network Nieuwsbrief

Wilt u maandelijks op de hoogte blijven van de activiteiten van de kennisinstituten van het Mercator Network en tevens het laatste nieuws ontvangen over educatie en beleidsveranderingen met betrekking tot minderheidstalen in Europa? Meld u hieronder dan gratis aan.

Aanmelden voor de Fryske Akademy Nijsbrief kan hier ook.


Laatste nieuwsbrieven

Hier vindt u een overzicht van de laatste nieuwsbrieven van het Mercator Network.

Sinds juni 2007 (nieuwsbrief #31) verzorgt het Mercator Europees Kenniscentrum voor Meertaligheid en Taalleren in Leeuwarden de nieuwsbrieven van dit Europese netwerk. De nieuwsbrieven op deze website gaan terug tot 2015 (#109).  



With news about, among other things, a discussion evening on Catalonia in Ljouwert (NL), the activities of Mercator Network Partner CUSC, and less Tatar language education in Tatarstan.

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With news about, among other things, the recent events in Catalonia, and the LANGSCAPE conference and SOAS-CIDLeS-Mercator conferences held past month.

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With news about, among other things, the Catalonian independence referendum, the Frisian campaign for the Minority Safepack Initiative, and Ukraine's new education law.

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With news about, among other things, the second Teach-D partner meeting in Bolzano, a strategy launched by the Welsh government to double the number of Welsh speakers, and results from the recently published measurement of Basque language use.

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With news about, among other things, Mercator's presentation at the Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages in Strassburg, the UNESCO Global Expert Meeting in Siberia, and the International Social Media Day for Small Languages to be held in September.

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With news about, among other things, the COMBI Multiplier event in San Sebastian, a march for Galician in Santiago de Compostella, and a new approach in the Netherlands for teaching immigrant children.

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With news about, among other things, the OSCE meeting in Kiev and the score awarded to the LangOER project by the European Commission.

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With news about, among other things, the Arctic Education Forum in Salekhard, the work by Dr Didier Demolin on music from the Congo, and a new multilingual education model in Valencia.

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With news about, among other things, A new Mercator Research report on minority language education, published by the European Parliament.

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With news about, among other things, the SOAS-CIDLeS-Mercator seminar on ‘Language documentation, teaching materials and didactics: an opportunity for small and endangered languages?’, and the FEL-Mercator regional conference in Murmansk on Documentation, Standardization and Teaching of Endangered Languages in Northern Eurasia.

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